
Our Vision for Reconciliation

Our vision for reconciliation as outlined in our Innovate RAP, is for the Resources, Energy and Industrial sectors to embrace unity between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous by achieving sustainable social and economic outcomes as part of the growing and thriving Resources, Energy and Industrial sectors.

BGER is committed to advancing reconciliation and building a diverse workplace by respecting the value of culture, experiences, and rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, through:

  • Recognising and honouring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Nations Peoples;
  • Historical acceptance of our shared history of all Australians;
  • Creating meaningful relationships with First Nations Peoples;
  • Adopting inclusive practices;
  • Providing ongoing educational and development opportunities to strengthen cultural understanding and respect;
  • Contributing to greater opportunities for equitable employment; and
  • Committing to a procurement process of First Nations businesses and suppliers.

We will leverage our sphere of influence to create enhanced social equity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples – rich with opportunity. Some of the tangible initiatives that we will undertake to bring opportunities to the fore for First Nations peoples are set out below:

  • Working closely with Traditional Owners, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, Prescribed Body Corporates and Aboriginal Corporations (and their Members), when implementing stakeholder consultation and community engagement, on behalf of proponents. Early engagement underpins our approach to consultation and engagement, as it provides an opportunity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to share their history, priorities for their communities. This approach also ensures we respect any existing Indigenous Land Use Agreements (ILUAs) or Benefits Agreements that have been registered with the National Native Title Tribunal (NNTT), among others.
  • Providing guidance (based on stakeholder consultation and community engagement insights) about compensation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, specifically, advice about initiatives to deliver immediate, medium-term and long-term value throughout the life cycle of a project.
  • Engaging with Aboriginal and non-Indigenous-business owners and community leaders in the townships in which we operate, to identify opportunities to implement upskilling and capacity building programs.
  • Teaming with Aboriginal business owners to help create locally based Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander workforces to contribute to projects and develop long-term careers in the Resources, Energy and Industrial sectors.
  • Collaborating with clients to boost Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participation by increasing business contracting from Aboriginal-owned and led businesses on projects.
  • Collaborating with local archaeologists and ethnographic specialists to scope projects to identify and protect heritage sites on Country.
  • Improving career pathways for youth in the fields of engineering and drafting, by way of certified Cadetships/Traineeships at the BGER Design School.
  • Providing free tutoring in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics-related (STEM-related) subjects for secondary students.
  • Seeking guidance from BGER’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Council (Advisory Council) to continuously improve support for the betterment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
  • Ensuring strong governance is maintained around the implementation of the initiatives that are listed here.

BGER recognises the oldest living culture in the world and we are committed to achieving better outcomes in national reconciliation, including decreasing the conscious and unconscious bias that is experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

We envision a future in which the history, traditions and rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are regarded as an essential component of Australia’s national identity and are valued, respected and embraced by all Australians.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Council

In September 2023, we established BGER’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Council (Advisory Council) with the primary objective of guiding our ongoing learnings about cultural heritage, as well as how we contribute to First Nations communities and to have governance of our reconciliation initiatives.

The Advisory Council serves as one of BGER’s Board Groups and includes the following Members:

  • Craig Bloxham, Managing Director & Co-Founder
  • Tony Comerford, Technical Director & Co-Founder
  • Bianca Taylor, General Manager, People & Culture
  • Justin Kickett (Independent Member)
  • Angela Kickett (Independent Member)

Justin Kickett is an Aboriginal man from the Bibbulmun region of WA. He is the Chief Executive Officer of i24s, a 100 per cent Aboriginal-owned and operated, Supply Nation-certified skilled workforce company, providing security, civil works and commercial cleaning services for mine sites in remote locations across Australia, as well as for commercial premises in capital cities. Justin is a pillar of the community and is passionate about improving Aboriginal engagement, employment and training. Prior to establishing i24s, he served as Police Officer and Detective for 20 years, in the WA Police Force.

Angela Kickett is an Aboriginal woman from the Bibbulmun, Nadju and Wongatha regions of WA. She is a Director at i24s and is an extraordinary business leader, responsible for managing operations including securing contracts with BHP and several other Resources companies, as well as for the company strategy for future growth. Angela is a generous, community-spirited leader who spent years working to enhance Aboriginal business engagement, employment and training. She has also worked in several government agencies, including the WA Department of Justice and the Department of Child Protection. Prior to this, Angela served as a Police Officer for eight years, in the WA Police Force.

Justin and Angela provide inspiration and guidance for many and are a shining example of ‘what success looks like’. They work tirelessly to support community groups, Aboriginal youth and sporting groups. They are committed to giving back to the community and empowering youth and have many success stories of helping youths overcome the challenges associated with mental health, low self-esteem and living in toxic environments.

United Nations (UN) Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

BGER acknowledges that the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (the Declaration) is an international human rights framework that recognises and protects the unique and collective rights of Indigenous peoples across the world.

In the Australian context, this instrument relates to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s rights.

We continue to strive for best practices when engaging with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities, in accordance with the Declaration, BGER’s Human Rights Statement, Aboriginal Engagement and Participation Strategy and Anti-Discrimination Policy.

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