Meet Jeremy Cooper

Meet Jeremy Cooper, a Senior Mechanical Engineer and tenacious problem solver.

From a young age, Jeremy was drawn to understanding how things work. He says, “I was always tinkering with things, even before I fully understood what engineering was all about.” Jeremy graduated from the University of Newcastle with a Bachelor of Engineering and worked for several original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and equipment suppliers before joining BGER.

Today, he brings his exceptional technical skills and practical mindset to our team in Newcastle. He enthusiastically shares, “Working at BGER, I get the opportunity to be involved in projects from the early stages right up to completion. This allows me to see the bigger picture for large-scale projects and be involved in a project right from the beginning.”

When thinking about sustainability, Jeremy has a similar approach, saying, “It is important to consider the whole lifecycle of projects in the transition to a greener future.”

Reflecting on his career to date, one of the most memorable moments for Jeremy was his involvement in the Reliance Franlane project, which focused on developing an emergency braking system for underground mining passenger conveyances.

He says, “As part of the research and development team, I played a key role in developing the system’s numerical computer model and conducting trials on a full-scale test track. It’s fulfilling to be part of advancing technology aimed at improving passenger safety and reducing equipment damage.”

Jeremy’s advice to his younger self is simple: “Don’t sweat the small stuff. Follow your passions and opportunities will come your way.” In his spare time, Jeremy enjoys keeping updated on all things engineering by watching YouTube channels such as Stuff Made Here, Smarter Everyday, and The Engineering Mindset. He is also an experienced violinist, having played the instrument for over 30 years and comes from a family of classical musicians.

Outside of work, you’ll find Jeremy travelling and exploring the outdoors. “My partner and I spent six months travelling around Australia, which was an incredible adventure.” When asked about his favourite travel destination, Jeremy says, “I’d have to choose Patagonia, in South America. It’s absolutely breathtaking there.”

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